Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Primal habits

I'm developing a taste for eggs in the morning. This is a big step, for years I've had an english muffin for breakfast. I still have a lingering craving for them but I've been able to resist their buttery, toasty call.

I've also replaced my mid afternoon snack. I liked to have a couple cookies. I was (still am) a hardcore carb junkie. Now I'm having 1 oz (yes I'm measuring) of mixed nuts. Nuts pair better with a glass of wine (I drink it for the antioxidants!).

My tasty afternoon snack

I'm also liberally indulging in dark chocolate. I know I'll have to begin reining in the snacks. I'll give myself a break while I transition to a primal life.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Paleo eating is the new hot thing

There are lots of different books and eating plans.

This is the one I'm using...

The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson.

I've been doing my research and reading lots of info on the Paleo/Primal lifestyle. I think Mark's approach seems like a good fit for my life. His list of recommended foods aren't as stringent as some of the other paleo authors. He includes dairy, dark chocolate and even an occasional glass of wine. He also has an 80/20 rule. I won't feel like a failure if (when) I have a non-primal meal.

My exercise will need a bit of tweaking. He's against any type of "chronic cardio". He is in favor of an hour or two of hiking but when it comes to marathons, it's a no go. He thinks too much inflammation and stress occurs with excessive exercise. What's a Primal Marathoner to do? I'm too addicted to my shiny finisher medals to quit.

Luckily for me, I'm a back of the pack marathoner. Way, way, way in the back, sometimes last. For the past couple years I've favored a 3min walk/1 min run ratio. I'm rarely sore so I think I have minimal inflammation.

This Saturday I'll be in Boise for the Pickled Feet 12 hour event. I was planning on mostly walking. Now that I'm learning about all the bad stuff that happens with chronic cardio, I'll make sure I do.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My first Primal Day (in photos)

Eggs and Fruit salad for breakfast
Late morning hike
Blueberry protein shake
Afternoon grocery shopping..not a grain in sight
Thank God wine is primal
Sablefish/Salad and Dark chocolate for dinner

Bring on day 2!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I hate change

but something needs to be done.

I've completed 39 marathons.

I'm still chunky.

Here is the proof...

San Diego marathon
I'm the one in front, eat my dust, girl behind me!

But still...

I'll never look like the Kenyans that train here in Albuquerque. But is it too much too ask to just look kind of fit? That's all I want.

After 15 years and 39 marathons, it's time to shake things up. I'm ditching the pre-race bagels and well, post race bagels. See ya pasta dinners and sourdough bread and brownies.

Get off my back!
It's time for this carb loving marathoner to become primal.

This should be interesting...