Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Here's the plan Stan...

Here's what I'm going to be doing...

Once upon a time I wanted to be a raw vegan. In an effort to make it stick, I was going to do the 21 day Clean program. One year later, the kit is still in my pantry. The primary reason I didn't begin For 21 days I would have to eliminate my beloved morning coffee. Wine, dairy, sugar and gluten containing grains are also eliminated. I can deal with that How can I not drink my big mug of black, dark roasted coffee. It's my reason for getting up every morning!

If I wasn't willing to give up caffeine for 21 days, I wasn't going to start the program. I shoved the box into my pantry and it's been collecting dust for a year.

Time to get out the feather duster and begin the program on April 24.

For the first 5 days, I'll be weaning off of coffee. I'll start the 21 day program on Sunday, April 29.

After 21 days? Then I'll begin this program....

The Whole 30 program seems to be a favorite among the primal community. They also have a list of foods to eliminate, since I'll be coming off the Clean Program, I'm hoping for an easy transition.

The whole magilla, 5 days of eliminating coffee + 21 days of the Clean Program + 30 days of Whole 30 will get me to June 19.

May is the perfect month to do all this. I'll begin after my 50 mile race, my next scheduled event is the San Diego marathon on June 3.

When I start the Clean program on April 24, I'll update my blog on a daily basis.

This should be interesting...

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